Women’s Business Day is a day to honor and reflect the contributions and accomplishments of the millions of women in the workforce and the millions of women business owners in the U.S.

I am a proud member of this group! I entered the labor force when I was 16 years old, since then I have transitioned from part-time jobs to full-time profession to wife & mother and now a full-time mom & wife balancing a part-time career.  Being a Wife, Mother and working professional has many challenges, but none that outweigh the benefits.

I take pride in my career and am inspired by the millions of other women out there who do the same, many of which are the women that I see every day in my own place of work. So, hats off to you ladies, your confidence and purpose are admirable, don’t forget how many people are looking up to you!

Libby Griffith
Human Resources

Women’s Business Day... - womens biz day 1

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