Our Journey, Mission,
and Impact.

We empower healthy lifestyles, food security and promote health equity
by offering a variety of nourishing medically tailored meals that taste
delicious and meet the dietary needs of individuals under managed care.


Our mission is to deliver delicious healthy meal options that promote health equity, disease management and food security.

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To provide delicious, healthy, homestyle meal options to vulnerable populations facing food insecurity and health challenges. We eliminate food deserts, promote nutrition and help deliver positive health outcomes.

Core Values

Our Story

Our History
Recognizing the necessity for nutritious and convenient dishes that could be prepared ahead of time and effortlessly reheated, the Homestyle Direct founders pioneered the concept of meal prep and food delivery with Homestyle meals almost 30 years ago.
Our Evolution

Over the years, we have evolved and expanded our offerings to include medically tailored meals for members under managed care, addressing specialized dietary needs.

Our Future

Our vision extends beyond medically tailored meal delivery. We see ourselves evolving into a comprehensive health solution, addressing various needs beyond food, to provide more support for individuals on their journey to better health and well-being.

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Meet our dedicated and skilled
team behind Homestyle Direct.

Meet Your
State Director

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